
December 18, 2023

Protecting Wet Fire Sprinkler Systems in Cold Temperatures

Protecting Wet Fire Sprinkler Systems in Cold Temperatures

In colder climates, implementing measures to prevent freezing within wet fire sprinkler systems is essential:

  1. Antifreeze Solutions: Utilizing antifreeze solutions is a common method to prevent water inside the pipes from freezing. Glycol-based antifreeze solutions are frequently employed in fire sprinkler systems and are designed to lower the freezing point of water within the system.
  2. Proper Concentration: Ensure that the antifreeze solution is properly mixed and maintained at the recommended concentration to provide adequate freeze protection.
  3. Compatibility: Verify that the antifreeze solution used is compatible with the sprinkler system components and does not compromise their functionality or corrosion resistance.
  4. Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections to check the condition and effectiveness of the antifreeze solution, ensuring it remains within the specified parameters.
  5. Heat Tracing: Implement heat tracing systems along the pipes to prevent freezing. Heat tracing involves placing electrical heating elements around the pipes, keeping them warm enough to avoid freezing.
  6. Insulation: Adequate insulation around pipes in vulnerable areas such as attics, crawl spaces, or exposed sections can help retain heat and prevent freezing.
  7. Thermostatic Valves: Install thermostatic valves that control water flow based on temperature, ensuring that water remains above freezing temperatures within the system.


NFPA 25 Requirements for Wet Fire Sprinkler Systems

Adherence to NFPA 25 guidelines for wet fire sprinkler systems is crucial for safety and compliance:

Quarterly Inspections:

  • Control Valves: Confirm the correct position and condition of control valves.
  • Gauges and Alarms: Inspect pressure gauges and alarm devices for proper operation.
  • Water Flow: Verify proper water flow through the system.

Annual Inspections:

  • Internal Inspections: Check for corrosion or obstructions within the pipes.
  • Sprinkler Head Inspection: Test and inspect each sprinkler head for proper functionality.
  • Valve Operation: Ensure all valves operate correctly.

Antifreeze Guidelines and Maintenance

Antifreeze in fire sprinkler systems requires specific attention:

  • Regular Testing: Conduct periodic tests to assess the antifreeze solution’s effectiveness and concentration levels.
  • Record-Keeping: Maintain detailed records of antifreeze solution concentrations and any adjustments made during maintenance.

NFPA 13 Guidelines for Antifreeze in Fire Sprinkler Systems

NFPA 13 provides guidelines for the proper use of antifreeze:

  • System Design Consideration: Antifreeze solutions should be considered in the design phase, ensuring they comply with code requirements and are compatible with the system components.
  • Installation and Maintenance: Proper installation and ongoing maintenance are critical for ensuring the continued effectiveness of antifreeze solutions.

By integrating antifreeze solutions in wet fire sprinkler systems, coupled with meticulous adherence to NFPA 25 and NFPA 13 standards, properties in cold climates can maintain operational readiness and resilience in preventing freezing-related issues within their fire safety infrastructure.

Stay vigilant, stay compliant, and ensure a safe environment year-round.


December 18, 2023

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